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I can’t quite believe that in a few months Erin will be going to school. She has been going to nursery since she turned 2 but school somehow feels like a much bigger step and there’s so much more to think about. We were recently sent The Starting School Book (AD) by Sarah Ockwell-Smith and I thought it would be great to get some hints and tips before September.
Starting school is a huge important milestone for children and their parents. The best school years happen when everyone involved feels happy and engaged with the whole experience, and yet, with so much information to digest and so little guidance available, the process can be incredibly confusing.
The Starting School Book is a reassuring and practical guide for parents of school-age children. Sarah Ockwell-Smith provides clear and helpful advice for each stage of the process, whether your are just beginning to think about your child’s education, applying for a school place, preparing your child for starting at the school you have chosen, or your child has already started school and you would like to help smooth the transition.
Erin is our first and only child and even the thought of looking at schools for her was overwhelming. We might only live a couple of streets away from our local primary school but we still wanted to make sure we were making the right choice for Erin. Having not done this before going to look around a school is scary. There are so many things that you should probably ask but we didn’t know where to start.
The Starting School Book has a lot of really great information about what to look for in a school and what questions to ask when you do get to look around. I think for people living in larger areas with more than 2 primary schools there is a lot more to think about and more to consider. For first timers like us I really found all of this information really useful, even though we had already been to look around a school. There is no reason why you can’t go back with more questions or call or email to ask.
Then, there is the long wait of finding out where your child got in and them actually starting school. Again, as a parent of an only child it’s really hard to know what you should be teaching them before this date. Sarah’s book has so many bits of advice about what your child might benefit from in these months. This could be working on sleep issues to ensure your child gets a good night sleep before school, it could be talking to your child about what they might wear or going on test walks to the school they will be going to. Things like reading, writing or math can take a bit of a backseat as it’s more important to make sure your child is comfortable with the thought of going to school.
Sarah Ockwell-Smith has put together a really great guide for parents in the same position as us! This book doesn’t just cover the time before your child starts school either but there is even more advice for what you can do to help your children after they start.
We’re giving away 2 copies of The Starting School Book!
Giveaway ends 15th April at 23:59. UK entrants only.
Win 1 of 2 copies of The Starting School Book