Getting Ready To Bake With Guittard Chocolate

We’re a bit of a chocolate loving family in this house. John would class himself as a bit of an addict while I have to be in the mood for the sweet stuff, but can eat plenty when I want. Erin being nearly 2 also gets a treat of some chocolate now and again and is super happy about it when it happens. Erin is also getting to an age now where we can start baking together and doing a bit more in the kitchen. Guittard have kitted us out with a great range of

Chocolate Treats From Find Me A Gift

If you didn’t know, Chocolate Week is happening right now, and it runs from 9th to 15th October. We are BIG chocolate fans in this house and I certainly have my favourites, as does John. Find Me A Gift not only have a fantastic range of products but they have some amazing chocolate items which would make perfect gifts… or you know, something for yourself! One of my favourites is a big bag of chocolate buttons. When I discovered the Chocolate Button Sweet Tree I fell a little bit in love. I had seen these kinds of