BIC and the British Illustrated Chronicle

Now and again I come across something a bit different that catches my eye. This time it was something magical created by something as simple as a pen and some paper; the British Illustrated Chronicle or B.I.C. for short (created by BIC). Unlike a regular newspaper, the B.I.C. was created using the BIC 4 colour pens. I used to use these way back when I was in secondary school and I still love them now. This is why I was so interested in this! When I was at school using laptops, phones or tablets was not

September Wishlist: Blog Edition

Welcome to my September Wishlist: Blog Edition! August was a month of really trying to get organised with the blog. Up until now I have generally used on online calendar but I have never really been a fan.  I’m a stationary girl. Always have been. Always will be. I like pens and planners and tapes. I love being able to write and plan, rather than type.  Making things look pretty is so much fun as well! So, just recently I have been on the lookout for some planning options for the blog. Here’s what I