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Anyone who uses any kind of social media or messaging app will know what an emoji is. In fact, I think you’d need to live under a rock to not know what an emoji is. Penguin have come up with some great emoji books this Christmas and they make fantastic stocking fillers.

Laughing Crying loves to make his fellow emojis laugh. He posts unflattering pics of celebrity emojis on his blog, Bantz Bible, which everyone thinks is great fun – until they start appearing on it themselves. Soon, Laughing Crying finds himself in the middle of a Twimoji storm of moral outrage. Can he find a way to redeem himself, or will the angry mob have the last laugh-cry after all . . . ?

The emojis are curious when a new user pops up on EmojiBook. He’s clever, funny and soon has thousands of dedicated followers. But his identity remains a mystery – until one day, when his true smiley, brown nature is revealed! Will Pile of Poo’s new friends appreciate him for who he is, or does he need a total re-brand?

Information Kiosk Girl is excited about her new job – she can’t wait to dispense information to all the emojis of Emojitown! But when certain emojis start to ask the all wrong questions, she’s forced to transform into a sass-tastic queen . . . What’s about to go down now that she’s got a super sassy response for everyone?

Heart Eyes is the no. 1 fan of 2Boyz, Emojiville’s hottest boy band. She knows everything about her faves and loves nothing more than to vlog about them on EmojiTube. But one day, she uncovers a conspiracy theory about her 2Boyz baes that shakes her to her very heart-shaped core . . . Can the boyz be trusted, or will Heart Eyes be forced to leave the fandom forever?

My favourite out of the emoji books though is the sticker book! I used to absolutely love stickers as both a child and a teenager. I think these are great for adults as well though. They’d make great additions to a planner or diary
How fun are these books! I love using emojis.
Looks fun! I used to refrain by using them, now I use them all the time 😉
I love it! I really need those stickers to use in my planner for next year! I wonder how many days will have a poo emoji on them!?
My teenage daughter is crazy about emoji’s, she would probably like something like this x
These look like a lot of fun. My son loves emoji things, we went shopping last weekend and he picked up every emoji thing we saw so I think he will love these!
My ten year old would LOVE these. She actually uses the word emoji in her regular conversation, lol!
Love these – I am using emojis more and more and my teens love them! Kaz x
I actually speak in emojis. Whenever I’m online or in text conversations anyway. Would be lost without them!
I like the Sassy Girl emoji. So cool.
How fun is to use them, isn’t it?
Your article is very attractive with detailed instructions. Hope to hear from you when you have the next article.