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There are lots of ways parents can become more involved in their child’s education, which research has found is a great way to boost their performance in school. This is most likely due to the fact that if your child truly believes that you are fully invested in whether or not they succeed, they might try harder to impress you and gain your approval. What’s more, they will feel more likely to take risks and put themselves out there when it comes to academic challenges if they know they have you to fall back on. So, if you’re wondering what you can do to show your child how much you care about their education, here are some tips from a private school in Essex.
A great way to become more involved in your child’s education is to speak to their teachers on a regular basis, both to monitor their progress and also find out more about what they’re learning about in class. If you know more about the curriculum, you will find it easier to come up with age-appropriate home learning activities to complement your child’s academic journey. For instance, if they are learning about plants and photosynthesis in science, you can plant your own flowers together in the garden. If they are learning their times tables in maths, you could invest in a times tables poster to pin up somewhere in the house.
As well as communicating with your child’s teachers throughout the year, be sure to attend their Parents’ Evening event, as well as other exciting things that are happening at the school, like a play or sports day. Attending these events will give your child a sense of pride and show them that you are genuinely interested in their personal achievements. You could also do things like stick their artwork on the fridge or buy them a reward when they’ve worked hard or received a good grade.
Chat to your child each evening about how their day at school was but be sure to ask open ended questions that require more than a one-word answer. For instance, you could say “What did you learn about in English today?” or “How did you spend your lunchbreak?”. Be sure to mix it up and avoid asking the same questions every day; find ways to encourage your child to think outside the box with their answers.