AD | Collaborative post
Teams are found almost everywhere and the ability to work in one effectively is hugely desirable to employers. It comes with an awareness of those around you, selflessness, and an understanding that you’re working towards the same goal. While they will get plenty of practice at school through group work, there are various ways in which you can help your child to strengthen this skill and become a strong team player. We’ve teamed up with an independent school to share some of these with you below.
The School House System
At school your child will have the opportunity to be a part of a team. These are known as houses and form a structure known as the “house system” which you may remember from your time at school. They are a great way in which schools encourage children to work together and help them to feel as if they belong to something bigger. However, not all children have the confidence to volunteer which is where you come in. As their parent, you can encourage them to explore their talents and motivate them to sign up to competitions and challenges. This will give them the opportunity to really benefit and improve on their team working skills.
Family Games Night
If your family’s big enough, you can host family games night and work on team games together. Games like Pictionary and those that are sporty like football. They will have the opportunity to work together with others and learn how to work as a part of a team as opposed to individually.
Communication is a large part of teamwork. You need to be able to communicate with your team, understand their concerns and collaborate with one another. With this, team working is virtually impossible. To help your child with their communication skills there are a number of things that you can do. You can begin by having more frequent conversations with them and encourage them to step out of their comfort zone and socialise with other children. You can also help them with their confidence as this is a barrier that many struggle to overcome and later find to affect them in a professional capacity.
We hope that you found the above tips helpful and look forward to seeing you here again for some more tips!