Little Squirrels Play Forest, Norwich

Quite often when we take a trip into Norwich Erin gets really bored being stuck in her pushchair for most of the time. When a new sensory play business called Little Squrrels Play Forest opened up in Castle Mall I was excited to try it out.

The great thing about Little Squirrels is the location. As it is situated in one of Norwich’s shopping centres parking isn’t a problem at all. It is also extremely easy to get to if you don’t drive, like me, and you have to get a bus or the train.

Little Squirrels is aimed at children from 6 weeks old to 6 years. There is something for everyone including an under 2s area. This place is really like nowhere else I have been before and it’s fantastic.

Instead of your normal, average soft play Little Squirrels offers somewhere safe and secure for children to explore and discover their senses. There are different sections laid out and loads for the children to do. For younger children there is a light room with ropes, mirrors and colourful lights. There have been reading areas with soft cushions, artificial grass a play farm laid out, a shop and a dressing up area, just to name a few.

Now that Little Squirrels has been open a little while they have started to introduce regular themes sessions like messy play and story time. I have taken Erin to messy play before and it was fantastic. She got to play with spaghetti, corn flour with water, glitter, water tables and much more. I am definitely not one of those parents that don’t like their child to get messy. In fact, I encourage it so Little Squirrels was perfect for us.

I have been to Little Squirrels a few times now and both me and Erin love it there. The staff are always super friendly and there is always someone in the play area engaging with the children and keeping an eye on everyone. It is also fantastic for when we’re out shopping. Erin does get bored so when this happens we can pop in here for an hour or before we go home so she can stretch her legs.

Little Squirrels regularly update their Facebook Page about upcoming events and times.

Prices from £5


9 thoughts on “Little Squirrels Play Forest, Norwich”

  1. This sounds and looks fantastic. It looks like there are plenty of natural and heuristic play ideas which I’m a big fan of!

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