Erin is now 7 months old and has been weaning since she was 4 months old. We were advised that early weaning may help the reflux that she was experiencing from bottle feeding. Up until the last week or so I was a puree virgin.
Lyndsey has been amazing when it comes to sorting our Erin’s food. Ever since we decided to start weaning, Lyndsey is constantly researching what Erin can and can’t eat and how to cook things. She has now literally filled both of our under counter freezers with blended fruit and veg. Such a selection too!
I, to my shame, had had no real involvement in it, other than to feed her occasionally. It’s not very often that I am home at Erin’s meal times because of work. I had certainly never been involved in the blending or freezing process (I know something happens with ice cubes but not sure what).
The other week I had my first go at pureeing, with Lyndsey’s guidance. First I peeled and steamed what felt like 300 pears. After blending the million pears I then had to squeeze it all into what I’m told are food pouches. This last bit was done using some sort of medieval torture device that we own. I have absolutely no idea what this thing was or where it came from. You will notice I am not exactly down with what things are called. We then peeled and blended some kiwi to mix with the pear. I
I will be honest. I enjoyed doing but was slightly disappointed by how little output we got from all those pears. In total we made 7 pouches and it looked like nothing. Lyndsey tells me that this is about 14 meals though at the moment.
I am glad that I am no longer a puree virgin. I half feel like I could do it again on my own.However, my pureeing experience made me very glad I can eat fruit in its whole, solid form. Blended fruit looks quite disgusting.
I did purées with my son but with my twins we embraced baby led weaning. It was very messy but very fun. It’s a great age isn’t it?
I was a bit too scared to do baby led all the way! Erin does love finger food now a bit more now though x
well done for popping your puree cherry! Your wife sounds very organised! 🙂
I wish my little ones dad would have had a go, even once haha I done it all the time but my little guy just would not eat any of it, not once! Such a fussy little man.
Jordanne ||
Oh dear! Some babies just prefer the ready made stuff and there’s nothing wrong with that. Erin often has jars 😀 x
Agreed solid food tastes so much better. Then again kids love the pureed stuff to be fair!
Baby led weaning all the way here. I was too lazy to spend time pureeing and meant N was feeding himself straightaway and moved to cutlery quickly. (My OH didn’t have any input into doing it – but then mostly it was just food off our plates
I didn’t go down the baby led weaning way, I was too worried about the mess. Lol. I agree with blended fruit not looking good. It is a lot of work too.
I find it all a bit of a nightmare if I’m honest and my first born didn’t enjoy home puréed stuff which made it awkward. Hope to be more successful with our newborn!
It’s very time consuming isn’t it. I’ve done a lot f baby led weaning this time around which is much easier. Good luck for next time you have a go x