Guest Post: What is Rhythmic Movement Training

Before Erin was even born I was interested in any class or activity that would maybe help her development. I’m always curious now as to why babies and children need certain things I love finding out more about these kinds of things. Today I have Samantha Henry on the blog, talking about Rhythmic Movement Training.

Hi everyone, I’m Samantha. I’m a Rhythmic Movement Brain development consultant in training. Thank you Lyndsey for inviting me to guest blog. ‘Me, Him ,The Dog and a Baby’ is such a real blog reminding mums of real life and I’m so glad you share your experiences with the rest of us.

Real life is not all Costa coffee and Boden catalogues. Most of us are are trying to leave the house without food splats on our clothes and matching shoes (if we’re lucky!). There are never enough hours in the day so when it comes to our baby and child’s development we usually end up spending the small hours worrying if we are doing it right.

Baby led weaning vs purees, crying it out or not, should they be walking/ talking by now. It’s frankly exhausting! We are constantly bombarded with things we should be doing with our babies but never really explained why? This got the better of me so I have spent the past few years pursuing it.

My studies have led me to Rhythmic Movement Training and I am so pleased all my questions are finally answered.

Rhythmic Movement works with our primitive and postural reflexes and develops our senses (visual, auditory, tactile, vestibular, kinaesthetic, tactile) and essentially improves the link between brain and body to allow us to function. It lays the incredibly important foundation skills for formal learning. If these are not in place learning and retaining knowledge will not be possible.

Our Rhythmic Movement development can be compromised for a variety of reasons including complications in pregnancy and/or birth, illness in the early years, lack of stimulation, sitting in unnatural positions (baby walker or car seat) for too long or being left to entertain self for long periods.

One of our main concerns as parents is knowing our children can learn and thrive in their educational environment. Instead of intervening in later life we can ensure our children get the best start by exposing them to a wide range of sensory experiences, movement patterns and language. Stimulating them with natural and guided play little and often. By doing this you will enable them to build a strong network of nerve pathways and connections in the brain to prepare them for school, work, sports and throughout their lives.

So the baby sensory class you attend, the trips to the swimming pool, a walk through the woods, persevering with tummy time- it might not feel like it now but they are all vital and you are setting your child up for life ahead.

If you would like to know more about RMT or have any questions about your own or your child’s retained reflexes I’d love to hear from you.


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9 thoughts on “Guest Post: What is Rhythmic Movement Training”

  1. Oh I have never heard of rhythmic movement training before. I took my daughter to every baby group going as a baby – massage, yoga, music , swimming. I feel bad I hardly done any with my son though x

  2. This is the first time I am learning of rhythmic movement training, I don’t have kids yet so maybe when I do I can call upon this post.

  3. There knew there is such a thing as Rhythmic movement training even thought i don’t have any of my own so going to keep this in mind.

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