The sacrifices we make

My mum came to stay recently and we got to talking about the classes that Erin attends during the week. A friend had asked how we manage to afford so many classes. As a mum themselves, she knows they don’t come cheap!

Currently, Erin goes to four different baby classes each week. These are as follows:

Monday – Swimming (£91 a term; about 12 weeks)

Tuesday – Baby Yoga (£30 for 6 weeks)

Wednesday – Music in Motion (£40 for 12 weeks)

Friday – Baby Sensory (£70 for 10 weeks)

For roughly 12 weeks of everything that comes to a massive £261! Now, as we have just finished the summer holidays most of this has had to be paid within a week or two of each other. That’s a massive dent in the finances when only one of us is working and the other gets crappy maternity leave pay.

Now, before anyone thinks so, I am not in any way complaining about spending this money on Erin. 

What this post is about really is the thing we give up as parents to give our children the best starts in life. As a premature baby, Erin had a bit of catching up to do. Health visitors said she would be behind with the ‘normal’ milestones. So, what I did was put Erin into as many classes to help her development as possible. Now at nearly 9 months old Erin is not behind in any way whatsoever. She’s a bit short but I don’t think that’s ever going to change!

Since Erin was born I haven’t had my nails done (although I have just won to get them done). I have had my hair cut once and my mum paid for that as a birthday present back in March. Any clothes I have bought for myself have been in a sale. I’ve had 3 times out on my own; 2 were blogging events. John and I haven’t been out for a meal together since Erin was born. I do, however, go for lunch a couple of times with some friends which costs me a whopping £6 for a panini, chips and a drink.

It’s not just me that makes sacrifices though. John definitely goes without too. Jackson too actually come to think of it. He hasn’t had nearly as many good treats since Erin was born although that’s probably not a bad thing.

Now, I have to think that John and I going out for a meal in the city, costing £15 for the train and then £25+ for a meal could go on much more important things. That’s a whole payment for Music in Motion. It’s nearly half of a term of swimming lessons. Obviously when you think that a nice meal that costs the same as 6 swimming lessons, it can change your mind really easily.

I would give up every single one of these things over and over again for Erin. Going out now and again would be wonderful but seeing how well Erin is doing means absolutely everything to me.

10 thoughts on “The sacrifices we make”

  1. I look back on how much we spent on our daughter when she was this age and and am like – gah! But when they start nursery school you just don’t have the time to do lost of things so I think it will balance out eventually lol!

  2. We definitely make sacrifices for our boys too, with football, swimming and other activities.

    I wouldn’t dream of spending the same amount of money on my own clothes as I do on theirs, especially having a teenager, he’s got such expensive taste!

  3. I can relate to this. My daughter has cello/swimming/ballet and gymnastics lessons and yes they do all amount up! And of course the leotards and gym hoodies don’t exactly come cheap either. But like you said, it’s all about priorities isn’t it? Luckily, both my husband and I are really homebodies, so that saves us from unnecessary spending 😉 x

  4. Since my little one has been born we have gave him everything and “spoiled” him for sure. I don’t see it as spoiling but I’ve had that term used a good few times. I always spend so much on his clothes and shoes yet I wouldn’t dare spend that on my own! Luckily enough my little ones dad pays for a good amount of everything because his pay allows it but if it wasn’t that way I wouldn’t ever think twice about giving everything up for my little one, I think it tends to come naturally.

    Jordanne ||

  5. The joys of being a mother. I guess your priorities change so much you get more excited for buying something for your kids than for yourself.

  6. I get it, we have to make sacrifice and when you think about it. I think it’s part of being a parent we decided to have children so we are responsible for their development.

  7. Providing for our kids is our deepest desire and believe me, it also gives the biggest satisfaction in life. If our kids are well and happy we are automatically happy. You guys are indeed great parents. Well done! I am sure your baby will be proud of mummy and daddy.

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