Blog On: Better The 2nd Time Around?

Back in May I went to my first ever blogging conference and I loved every minute of it. I didn’t think I was going to be able to go to the second Blog On Conference of this year though because at the time tickets were released, I had a job that I couldn’t get time off from. However, things have changed and I now work from home. I was lucky enough to get a ticket to Blog On Xmas while being on the waiting list. I headed off to Manchester on my own this time

5 Things I Learned at Blog On

Last week I wrote about my experience as a first timer at Blog On and how to survive if you’re thinking of going yourself. However, I didn’t really go into too much detail of what the sessions were about and what I learned. I won’t be talking about everything in this post but I do want to talk about 5 things that I found super helpful.   1. Comments aren’t everything For months I have been trying to get as many comments as possible on my posts. Turns out, it isn’t on the top of PRs

How to survive your first Blog On!

For the past couple of days John, Erin and myself have been in Manchester so I could attend Blog On, my very first blogging conference. I’ve been blogging since 2010 but only in the past year have I been taking it seriously and trying to make a career out of it. I’m not even close to that yet but that’s exactly why I went to Blog On! I wish I’d read a post beforehand about what to expect so I’d been more prepared so here it is; How to Survive Your First Blog On!  How