Things I Have Learned Since Becoming A Parent

It only seems like yesterday that we were FINALLY bringing Erin home from the hospital and really starting our life as a family of 3. Erin is 3 in just a couple of months and it’s coming around a lot quicker than I’m happy with. Becoming a parent has definitely been a learning curve and I have learned so much, not just since Erin was born but from the minute I found out I was pregnant. Newborns are easy I wish someone had told me that even with the issues I had to start with,

Things I want my daughter to know

AD | Collaborative post  I don’t really think it matters whether you have a son, daughter or a mix of both, there will always be things you want to tell them as they get older. It got me thinking about some of the things I want Erin to know as she grows up and what life lessons I want to teach her. I think there are lots of things I wish I knew and I wish someone had talked to me about more. It’s okay to make mistakes Believe me, I made a million mistakes