My Favourite Things About Summer

According to the weather reports, summer is apparently just around the corner. As this post goes live John, Erin and I are on holiday at Haven in Caister-on-Sea and when I checked the weather while writing this, it was supposed to be between 16ºC and 20ºC all week! So, I thought I’d write about some of my favourite things about summer! Freshly cut grass Just the other day I was using our new grass trimmer and it made me remember just how much I love freshly cut grass. We have quite a large garden and

Finding The Perfect Summer Shoes With JD Williams

I hate winter. I absolutely hate it. I cannot stand the cold and wearing winter boots for months on end is my idea of hell. If it wasn’t super cold a lot of the time I would probably wear sandals all year round. Having hot feet is horrible and I love the freedom of wearing sandals. The sandals I had last year were a bit beaten up after playing in the garden with Erin for hours on end so this year I desperately needed some new shoes ready for summer. JD Williams came to the