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Every night before bed Erin likes to read a few books. We have a lovely collection at the moment but we always like to change it up which is why we are always looking for new books that we think she will like. The lovely people at Walker Books recently sent us There’s A Dinosaur On The 13th Floor by Wade Bradford.
Mr Snore checks into a hotel room, only to discover that the room is already occupied – by a mouse! So the porter moves Mr Snore up a floor to a new room. Alas, that room seems to be occupied by a fuzzy critter, too. Up thirteen floors, one floor at a time, Mr Snore gets moved and moved again until the porter has run out of options for his guest. Why? Because there is absolutely no way anyone should EVER go to the top floor, the 13th floor, in the hope of finding room and rest…
Erin understand what it means to stay in a hotel, and she is a huge fan of doing so… especially now that she gets to sleep in her own bed instead of a travel cot. So, when we started reading There’s A Dinosaur On The 13th Floor she was quite excited to see that it was about a hotel. The story is about Mr Snore, who has checked into a hotel for the night and just wants to go to sleep. Unfortunately for Mr Snore, it doesn’t seem as though any of the rooms are free as they all end up being occupied by someone else when he gets there.
Erin found this book really funny and laughed so loud each time there was something different in Mr Snore’s room. From mice, to giraffes to there finally being a dinosaur in the room, Erin found each page really entertaining and loved waiting to see what would be in the next room. There’s A Dinosaur On The 13th Floor has great illustrations to match the story and the characters are really interesting and funny to look at which I think helped Erin to want to know what was going to happen.
There’s A Dinosaur On The 13th Floor is such a fun read and great for children from probably 2.5, although the book is recommended for ages 4-8. Erin is nearly 33 months old, so nearly 3, and she had no problem whatsoever in understanding what was happening in the story which is why I think children slightly younger will understand as well.
Buy the book on Amazon!