Top Tips For Choosing A Prom Dress

Top Tips For Choosing A Prom Dress

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I think I show my age a bit when I say that I went to a secondary school. Now, they’re mostly called high schools or academies and I haven’t heard a school be called a secondary school for a long time. When I left secondary school we didn’t get a leaving party, a prom or a trip away which I’m still quite bitter about seeing as the year before us got to go to Paris!

Where we live in Norfolk it seems that end of year proms are now a really big thing. I see photos all over social media of friend’s children all dressed up and ready to celebrate finishing school and honestly I’m a bit jealous that I didn’t get to experience that for myself. Now though, as I’m older, I know that I would think about a lot of different things than if I was 16 and choosing a prom dress.

Here are my top tips for choosing the best prom dress for you:

Take Your Time

When the time comes to choose your prom dress there is no point in rushing it. It might be easy to pick something in the first shop you go to but there are plenty of options out there and you never know what there might be somewhere else. Shopping around is always a smart idea.

As prom time approaches more and more people will be looking outfits by the day. If you start looking for your prom dress quite last minute you risk not finding a style you like, there not being a lot of choice available or even worse, wearing the same dress as someone else. That’s not something anyone wants!

Second opinions

I hate shopping on my own and I don’t think it’s a good idea to shop for such an important dress without having some extra opinions. The lighting in shops can be misleading, you can’t see yourself from every angle and you might think something suits you when it really doesn’t. Shopping with a group of friends can be a lot of fun and you’ll be able to hear honest opinions to help you choose the perfect dress.


It’s easy to get carried away when shopping for a prom dress. There’s no point in looking in shops that are more expensive than what you can afford or trying on dresses that aren’t in your price range. Be clear on your budget before going shopping and will help to stop you being disappointed.

The overall look

Of course, the prom dress is the most important part of you outfit but there is more to it than that. You’re also going to need shoes, jewellery and maybe to have your hair and make-up done. Be sure to take into account the height of heels you’ll need to wear, if the dress will annoy you in any way over the course of the evening, and if you already have jewellery that will look nice. You could take shoes and jewellery with you when you go shopping.


Top Tips For Choosing A Prom Dress

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