Family around a breakfast bar pouring orange juice

A Guide to Raising Happy and Healthy Kids

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Every parent wants their child to have a happy childhood, but it isn’t always easy to reach that goal. Hectic schedules, budget constraints, and all the other stresses of parenting can sometimes get in the way. 

Here are some fun and practical tips to help you raise healthy, happy kids that you’ll both enjoy.

1. Spend quality time with your children

Whether you’re cuddling on the couch, playing in the park or telling stories before bedtime, quality time with your children is key to building good relationships. Parents who spend time with their children have happier, healthier kids. It seems that the old adage “quality time” really is key to building a strong bond and encouraging confidence and resilience in your children.

2. Encourage a positive outlook on life

Parenting can be a difficult job, but it is a job that brings rewards. One of the best things you can do to help your child grow up happy and healthy is to encourage a positive outlook on life. Look for ways you can show your child that each day holds opportunities for new learning and fun experiences. By doing this, you’ll help your child build a positive sense of self-worth and confidence in his own abilities.

3. Talk to them about good and bad behaviour

Now that you know the importance of building positivity the right way for your child, it’s time to work on teaching them what is right and wrong. Whether you are using praise or disapproval when things go well or badly, talking to your child about your expectations regarding their behaviour is an important tool in helping children grow into caring adults.

4. Keep to Doctor’s Appointments

It’s important for parents to keep kids seeing their doctor whenever they need to. Checking in with your paediatrician is important because they are the ones who are going to notice when something is wrong with your child. 

Having children’s health insurance is the smart thing to do as this is going to help protect your child’s health when they are born and through their early life.

5. Give them some structure and routine

There will be days when all you want to do is lie down and forget the parenting gig. But if your kids are entertaining themselves, it’s certainly easier said than done. Instead of letting them make their own entertainment, give them a routine and some structure. 

It’s not easy to develop such habits with older children, but little kids do well with routine. Thus, it’s imperative that you teach them the concept of routine and structure at a tender age.


Congratulations on becoming a parent! Raising children is one of the most important things you will ever do in your life. 

However, it can also be one of the most challenging things you will ever do. Despite all of the challenges that may lie ahead, there are also many joys to be had during these years. We hope that this article will help you in your new journey of life as a parent.

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