Taking Care Of My Skin With BioMed

A little while ago I received a lovely package of BioMed products to help me look after my skin. Since having Erin I have barely moisturised, let alone do anything else! I know how bad that sounds. Before Erin, when I used to put make up on for work every day, I would moisturise to start with. I would do this every single day without fail. Just recently I have really seen that my skin is suffering!


First up is Lushes Lashes. I have quite lone eyelashes but they’re so flat and thin. They never look overly impressive and Lushes Lashes can help the appearance of lengthening and thickening lashes in only 30 days.

Being someone who tends to burn the candle at both ends, underneath my eyes suffer. I don’t get nearly as much sleep as I should, I don’t drink as much water as I should… basically, I don’t look after myself well enough. I’m going to be trying Fresh Eyes to see if I can actually look a bit more awake!

It’s not just my face I haven’t been looking after. I have quite a lot of veins showing on my legs and I hate them. I’m hoping that Vein Vanish can help with the redness and reduce how they look, even a little bit.

It has taken me a little while to get around to using these great looking products but I can’t wait to see the results.

You can find out more about BioMed below:





Disclaimer: We received these items for the purpose of this post. All opinions are our own.

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