Changing Your Dog’s Diet: How To Seamlessly Switch Their Food

Collaborative post Of course, every dog owner wants to ensure their four-legged friend is happy and healthy. It is why they constantly search for ways to care for their dog, especially if it is their first canine companion. Whether looking for ways to stimulate them mentally or socialise them with other dogs, it is natural for dog owners to want to find ways to ensure they are properly taking care of their four-legged friend. One option is to change their diet. As dogs age, the foods they consume should also change accordingly. Making this transition can be

5 Tips for Keeping Your Anxious Dog Calm While Traveling or in New Situations

AD | Collaborative post While including your four-legged companion in your travel plans can be exciting, dealing with an anxious dog when traveling can be extremely challenging. However, the entire experience can be much more pleasant for everyone involved if you’re well-informed on various ways to keep your pooch calm and less overwhelmed. Thankfully, these five tips might just help ease any unnecessary stress while keeping your anxious pup safe and happy! 1. Talk to Your Vet about Anti-Anxiety Medication Before taking a trip with your pooch, it also helps to consult with your vet

How to Choose a Bed for Your Senior Dog

AD | Collaborative post Like humans, a dog with insufficient sleep may exhibit a bad mood and have diminished memory and concentration. Sleep deprivation is a possible diagnosis for your dog if he appears grumpy, confused, forgetful, or unable to concentrate. Although senior dogs get tired more easily than when they were younger, they have more difficulty falling asleep. However, they tend to sleep for longer when they fall asleep. Disruptive factors such as stress, noise, and light can make it difficult for senior dogs to achieve maximum rest. The best thing any dog owner

The ultimate care guide for your pet horse

AD | Collaborative post Having a horse as a pet can be a beautiful thing. You get to enjoy the companionship of this majestic animal it creates with the person taking care of it. You can exercise with your horse or participate in sports like horse races. Knowing how to take proper care of the horse is vital to ensure it is healthy and happy and give your family a chance to bond with it. With that said, here are tips on how to care for your horse.  Provide Proper Shelter Before you even get

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

AD | Collaborative post Dogs are cheerful, easy-going, and friendly pets that love to receive attention, spend time with the humans they love, and infect everyone with joy. There are few things as heartbreaking as seeing a sad or unhealthy pup. Unfortunately, dogs cannot tell us if they’re unwell, so it is our duty to pay attention to the warning signs.  Keeping your dog healthy and happy is not very difficult. What matters most is to react immediately to any suspect change in behavior or habits.  Here are a few essential tips to help you

5 Tips For Renting With Pets

AD | Collaborative post We might have bought our very first house 5 years ago now but before then both John and I have rented in various different places. There are so many different things to look for when choosing a rented property, especially if you have pets, so I thought I would share some of my tips! Start looking early One of the biggest problems with trying to rent with pets is that a lot of landlords or agencies just wont accept tenants with pets. There is a large rental market but if you

The Basics Before Brain Training 4 Dogs

AD | Collaborative post When you bring your puppy home, there are so many unique experiences and factors to consider that you could overlook one of the most critical aspects of the transition: establishing a routine. The structure will give your new canine family member a sense of security and let him know what to expect.  Making a timetable and sticking to it is the best method to achieve this. It’s important to start developing positive habits with your new dog within the first few weeks. A routine, by the way, benefits not just the

Top 3 Incredible Benefits of a Doggy Door

Collaborative post There are over 76 million dogs owned by American households. Approximately 4/10 households in the US have at least one dog as a pet. For many families, a primary concern is how to train their dog to successfully go in and out of the house without causing problems for the family or others outside. One of the most common solutions that many owners come to is installing a doggy door. There are plenty of benefits of a doggy door in your home. Using a doggy door allows for maximum convenience and even safety