Happy 3rd Anniversary Husband. Where has the time gone!?
3 years ago today we were are that beautiful house in Florida getting married. All we cared about was each other, the sun shining down on us and me wearing sandals under my wedding dress! Then you locked us out of our hotel room and I stood there sweltering in my dress. I was less than impressed but quickly forgave you. I had just married you after all!
I don’t think either of us would have imagined being where we are now, on our 3 year anniversary. We’ve bought our own house and we have a beautiful 9 month old daughter, both challenges in their own right.
I know I can be a nightmare to live with sometimes. I get stroppy and stressed out easily and yes, I take it out on you when I shouldn’t. You’re my rock though and are always there for me, no matter what. I’m sorry I make life difficult sometimes but I know you love me anyway. I think you just find it funny now when I get angry about kitchen cupboards being left open. In fact, you probably do it on purpose!
I can’t wait to see what the next 3 years bring us… definitely not a new house or baby though! Let’s think of something exciting!
A wedding in Florida sounds ideal! What a heartfelt message for your husband. Happy Anniversary to a lovely couple
Aw this is such a lovely post. Happy Wedding anniversary and I hope you have something nice planned.
Congrats to you and yours on your 3rd anniversary. Enjoy x
Happy Anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Congratulations to you and your husband on your anniversary. Here’s to plenty more to come x
What a lovely post! Congratulations to you and your husband.
Happy Anniversary
Congratulataions and happy anniversary!! Wish you many many years of happiness x
Awww happy wedding anniversary! I hope you both have a wonderful day and a wonderful year too!
Ah, that’s sweet! I am sure he loves you too, warts and all! x