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After many months of inactivity due to Covid lockdowns, many people feel less healthy than they did pre-pandemic. Many feel sluggish and lethargic, lacking the same energy levels they used to have. Getting back on track and returning to a somewhat normal routine is essential for your mental and physical well-being. However, this may be easier said than done, as the stress of living under pandemic conditions has not yet ended.
Nevertheless, you need to adapt your habits to this pandemic and find ways to return your body and mind to full capacity. Here are five ways you can boost your energy and improve your overall health and wellness.
1. Get in-home IV therapy
Many people complain that they feel unable to get started with a fitness routine or diet to bring them back to peak physical and mental health. An IV treatment puts this feeling in the past, allowing users to get back on track, since IV therapy can provide your body with the boost it needs to begin returning to normal. The combinations of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals leave users feeling refreshed and energetic.
Many in-home medical services offer in-home treatments like IV therapy LA and in other US cities for residents who need an essential health boost. These services have a range of IV treatments that provide many potential benefits, including:
- An energy or immune system boost
- Help the body recover after a strenuous workout
- Promote weight loss
- Detox the body
Some treatments also have anti-aging properties, such as NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which fuels many metabolic processes. Our bodies produce less NAD naturally as we age, and a NAD IV treatment will leave you looking and feeling younger and energized.
2. Change up your diet
It is time to stop indulging in carbs while binge-watching TV shows and movies on the couch. Carbs convert into a short-term energy supply, settling into the body as unwanted fat when not used. While carbs are an essential part of any healthy diet, they should not dominate your food consumption patterns. Instead, they should form only a small part of a diet mainly containing protein, vitamins, and minerals. Proteins provide longer-lasting, healthier energy. Therefore, ditch the bread and chips, replacing them with eggs and white meat.
Concentrate on eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to maximize your vitamin and mineral intake. Focus on consuming sufficient magnesium as it promotes the conversion of glucose into energy. Avoid processed foods as they are packed full of preservatives, colorants, and flavoring agents that our bodies cannot break down and use. Fresh, unprocessed foods are healthier and provide the body with more energy.
3. Exercise
It takes energy to get moving. Fortunately, energy is a renewable resource. The more you use, the more you generate.This means that even if you do not feel like exercising, doing so will make you feel better and more energized.
There is no need to make your first exercise session a grueling gym workout that leaves you exhausted and barely able to move the following day. Instead, start slowly by taking a leisurely walk around the block. It is an ideal chance to let the family dog work off some excess energy as well.
Exercise is vital for physical and mental well-being. As soon as you start exercising, your heartbeat rises, and the body begins using excess stored sugar and fat to sustain the movement. Simultaneously, neurotransmitters are released from the brain, including serotonin, often referred to as the feel-good hormone.
A workout gives you a feeling of self-satisfaction and contentment. This alone can motivate you to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
4. Make sure you’re drinking enough liquids
It is surprising how many people do not drink enough water each day. They justify this by saying that they consume many other liquids, such as coffee, juice, and soda. While each contains some water, they cannot replace drinking eight glasses of water daily.
Your water intake keeps the body hydrated, giving it an energy boost. It also flushes out toxins, keeps organs like the kidneys and bladder functioning optimally, and carries nutrients and oxygen to your body’s cells.
5. Develop healthy habits
Stress and anxiety leave you feeling exhausted. They can affect your sleep patterns, making you struggle to fall or stay asleep, and thus wake feeling exhausted each morning. Many people’s sleep patterns are out of sync due to Covid, and returning them to normal is imperative.
Nobody can function at optimal levels when they have not had enough rest. Even if you are sleeping long enough, poor quality sleep leaves you feeling exhausted. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and screen time before going to sleep and create an environment conducive to quality slumber.