How to Raise an Independent Child

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Most parents can’t resist swooping in and completing tasks for their children if they can see that they’re struggling. While you might think this is helping your child, it actually just suggests to them that they can’t do certain things without your help, which will only hinder their confidence. If you’re hoping to raise an independent child, one who can rely on only themselves to get the job done, it’s often better to give them some space to make mistakes and learn from them. Read on for some further advice on raising an independent child from a nursery in Hampshire.

Get Them Involved

First of all, it’s worth chatting to your child about your aims to help them become more independent. Get them on board and encourage them to think about what they can also do with their own progress. They might even be able to help you identify certain opportunities for independent learning. For instance, you could set your child some chores and ask them what they think they’d realistically be able to achieve without your help, like doing the laundry or walking the dog. When they complete these tasks, be sure to praise them and let them know you are proud of them, and gradually increase the complexity of these tasks. This will show them that they can do anything they set their mind to, and they do not need to rely on anyone to help them. 

Teach Them Life Skills

Consider some important life skills that your child is yet to learn and make time to teach them. For instance, if they are old enough you could teach them how to cook some simple meals. Once they’ve mastered these skills with your help, you can let them go solo and do it on their own. This will help them with their confidence and also prepare them for when the time comes for them to move out and stand on their own two feet. Other life skills worth exploring are things like money management, gardening, cleaning etc. 

Be Positive

Try and encourage your child by adopting a positive, enthusiastic attitude. Let them know that you believe in them and are proud of their accomplishments. If they make a mistake, don’t be hard on them. Instead, try and promote a growth mindset by saying something like “everyone makes mistakes, the best thing you can do is learn from it and moving on”. This encouraging approach will help your child feel self-assured and optimistic, so they will feel more comfortable taking on challenges independently. 

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