Interesting Hobbies To Take Up This Year

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When I talk to friends or family members a lot of them seem to have really cool hobbies. Apart from running a blog I don’t think I really do anything that I could call a hobby. I used to read quite a lot, which is how I started blogging, but otherwise I don’t have a hobby. Now that we are in a New Year it could be time to make more time for yourself to do something or maybe you want to find a hobby that you can do with a partner. Either way, here are some ideas for you:


I’m sure in a lot of households the topic of DIY could be the cause of quite a bit of stress and definitely some arguments. I know John and I don’t always agree on what needs doing around the house or how to go about doing it. I think realistically, both of us could do with learning how to do more around the house.

I would love to learn basic skills such as putting up shelves, fixing small issues with our heating or plumbing (click here for more information) and maybe even how to keep the outside of our house maintained. While something like this could be seen as a bit of a chore it is also a hobby for a lot of people. I know some friends who love to find new jobs to do around their homes and feel a real sense of pride once they get a job completed. I think once I got started I would find more and more to work on!

Target practice

A few years ago during a holiday to Center Parcs I had a go at archery with my sister and brother in law. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the session but I enjoyed it so much, even though it was quite hard. There are all different kinds of hobbies out there if you think a target practice related sport might be something you’d be interested in. Of course, these kinds of hobbies can vary in cost depending on what you want to do. There might be places where you can pay by the hour or session or maybe you need to buy your own equipment. If the latter is the case, be sure to check out what is the best industrial scale to buy.

Wine tasting

If you are someone who likes good food, eating out or maybe seeing friends on a regular basis then why not think about taking up wine tasting (drink responsibly) as a hobby. I am one of those people who never really knows, or understands, what kinds of wines go well with particular foods. Wine tasting would be a fun hobby to take up with either your partner, friends, parents etc. and it give you lots of different options for things to do.

You might look into local venues or restaurants who offer wine tasting events or you might like to host something in your own home. If you are, you can shop online ( for a variety of options at different price points.

Are there any hobbies that you’ve been interested in doing? 


Interesting Hobbies To Take Up This Year

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