Is My Child Old Enough To Walk to School Alone?

Is My Child Old Enough To Walk to School Alone?

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Walking to school offers a number of benefits; it is good for your child’s health, it reduces pollution from cars and it can help to encourage independence; but at what age should we let our children walk to school alone? 

There are obvious safety concerns about letting your child walk to school on their own, which sparks the debate about the right age to allow it. There is no legal age, or right or wrong answer, so really the decision comes down what is best for you and your child.

To help make your decision a little easier Mill Hill School have rounded up the following useful questions…

How mature is your child?

Does your child understand the importance of road safety and the dangers of talking to strangers? Every child has a different maturity level and some can be trusted to do more than others. It is important to ask yourself if you believe that your child is mature and trustworthy enough to do this journey alone.

Do they have a phone?

A mobile phone can help to ease the worry of your child going out independently. Not only do mobile phones provide a way for your child to contact you in the event of an emergency, but they can also be used as a tracking device using the latest GPS technology.

What is their journey like?

What is the journey like from your house to the school? How long does it usually take and do they have to cross any roads or walk through any secluded alley ways? If you don’t like the idea of your child walking this route alone, see if there are any friends that they can travel to school with.


Is My Child Old Enough To Walk to School Alone?

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