This week is half term in many places around the UK and, seeing as it’s Friday already, I bet a lot of you are pulling your hair out. It’s not easy to keep little people entertained for a whole week when they’re not at school, especially if you have more than 1!
I don’t know if I can say I’m lucky or not really but we don’t have half terms. Erin is only 13 months old and doesn’t start nursery until January. Even then, she’ll be going for 51 weeks of the year until she moves up into reception. Anyway, I have to keep Erin entertained all day every day!
I always wonder what other people do with their children all day. Rattan Direct want to know the same thing! They’re asking the question ‘How do you keep your kids entertained?’in a SURVEY and they’d love for you to help them out with some answers!
Parents do loads of different things to keep their children entertained and I think a lot of that depends on age. Rattan Direct are asking about use of technology in a couple of questions. For us, this doesn’t really come into how I entertain Erin. While she may like to carry my phone from one end of the room to the other, she doesn’t know how to use it! The most Erin gets is some cartoons in the morning after breakfast!
The survey only has 11 questions and will only take a couple of minutes to fill in. I would personally love to know how you entertain your children!
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. All opinions are our own.
We keep the kids entertained with books, toys, imaginative play, and all sorts. No dull moment here.
Good stuff!
I bet it must be hard to keep kids entertained all the time, especially when school holidays seem to come around so quickly x
They seem to get them a lot!
As they’ve got older, it’s become easier to keep them entertained. For one, it’s no longer us that entertains them to a large extent – they have their technology and friends! Up until a couple of years ago, I found school holidays totally draining, especially the summer (we have 10 weeks off in Sweden), but I actually enjoy hanging out with them more now they are older!
Wow, they’re long holidays!
I love it though! We don’t get the week you guys have in May and Easter is only one week! x
Mine are teenagers now, so I can keep them entertained by giving them some money and telling them to go to town and spend it! But we also love family board games nights. I’ll do the survey!
Haha that’s a good way of doing it!
Magazines, books, subscription activity boxes, arts and crafts ideas on Pinterest. My app is all about kids activities and getting them away from technology!
Lots of things going on here. Running, days out, fun. I find it harder in the 6 weeks to keep the kids entertained though
It’s a long time isn’t it!
Books, toys, music, movies and days out
Great ideas!
my oldest two are pretty good at entertaining themselves
colouring and games etc
Erin needs constant entertaining at the minute!
I used to look after kids a lot and to keep them entertained I would take them for walks or play games with them!
Walks are a good idea!