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Erin is a big fan of dinosaurs, and is someone who loves going to Roarr! Dinosaur Adventure in Norwich. There, you can ‘dig’ for fossils and it’s something Erin likes doing every time we go. Learning Resources recently sent Erin their Dig and Display Fossil Kit to try out.
Inside the box you get two tools for digging, a digging block, tray to dig on (made from the box), adventure guide and the box turns into a display case afterwards as well. I really liked that the box can be used for multiple things and it doesn’t all just get thrown away once you have got the tools out.

Erin couldn’t wait to get started so we didn’t even get chance to look at the adventure guide before she had started digging. It would have been really useful to look at the book first though as it tells you what the 8 fossils are that you can find and there are pictures of roughly where on the digging block you can find them.

As Erin had just gone straight in and started digging it took ages to find the first fossil. Although the product says that the tray you get to put the block on will help keep things from getting messy it doesn’t really. Our coffee table was just covered with dust and bits from where Erin had been digging. We were expecting this though so did it somewhere we were okay with getting messy.

This set is aimed at children aged 8+ so Erin is a little under the recommended age. Because of this, she found it a bit hard to dig on her own for so long as it can be quite hard work. However, it was more how long the digging took than how hard it was so we only had to help her a little bit.

Finding the fossils was great fun. The set comes with a magnifying glass with a brush on the end so that children can clean the fossils then look at them in detail. This is where the adventure guide comes in as you can find out what the fossil is and a lot more about it. From here, you can put the fossil into the display case that you can make from the box. I really liked this element of the kit as it’s somewhere to proudly show off the fossils that the children have found.

The Learning Resources Dig and Display Fossil Kit has been a huge hit with Erin, and us as parents. Not only is it fun and educational but it’s something that kept Erin busy for a long time.