Simple Ways to Streamline your Daily Routine

Simple Ways to Streamline your Daily Routine

Collaborative post

Most of us are busier than we have ever been before, whether we’re working, looking after the kids, building a side -hustle, or trying to combine all three and more besides! So, it can often feel like there are simply not enough hours in the day, right? 

That being the case, it is a really good idea to do what you can to streamline your daily routine and make it feel like you aren’t constantly scrambling for time. Here are some things that can help you with that:

1. Simplify Your Beauty Routine

One of the best ways to claw back some time and streamline your daily routine, especially if you are a woman, is to simplify your beauty routine, so you don’t have to spend quite so much time getting ready in the morning. Whether you undercut long hair so there is less of it to wash and style, you tint your brows and lashes, so you don’t have to apply makeup every day, or find a skincare product that does three things in one, anything you can do to save time and effort on your looks will be a big win for your daily routine, right?

2. Pack the Kids’ Things The Night Before

If you do not want that daily rush each and every morning, then do it all before you go to bed! Things are typically less frantic at the end of the day than they are in the morning, especially when you have little ones, so by preparing packed lunches and packing school bags before bed, you can have a more chilled-out start to the day, and when your day starts out right, everything else flows better, right?

3. Colour-Code Everything

Something else that can help to streamline your daily routine when you have little ones to consider is colour-coding their stuff For example one child can have a red bag and lunch box, another pink, and another yellow. This can go for socks, shoes, -anything they will need on a regular basis. It just makes it easier for you, or the kids, to find their stuff without a fuss.

4. Ditch the Clutter

It’s a simple fact that, the less clutter you have in your home, the easier your life, and your daily routine, will be. Think about it; if you do not have to spend half an hour hunting for that bill you need to pay because you’ve let so many papers stack up or you don’t have to fight your way through tons of clothes to find that one shirt you need to wear to look smart, then life will be a breeze, right? Start getting rid of the unnecessary in your home and office and life will be far more simple and streamlined than ever before – it really is that simple.

5. Keep a Calendar

Pretty much all of us have calendars right there on our phones so if you are not currently using one, it’s time to change that. Make sure you put all of your appointments into your digital calendar, and then set reminder alerts for one week, one day and one hour before the event. That way, you will be far less likely to forget that dentist appointment or that you need to work the dog, and life will be all the better for it. So simple, but so effective.

6. Say No

If you don’t want to do a thing and you will not regret not doing it at a later date are you still with me?) then simply have the courage to say no to the request. That way, you will have more time available in your day, so you will not need to rush around so much and life will be much more pleasant as a result. Obviously you will still have to do some things you don’t particularly want to like work tasks and chores around the home, but you’ll be surprised at just how many things you do out of obligation that, if you did not do them, would make very little difference to your life at all; this are the things you can prune for your life to get s better daily routine going.

As you can see, streamlining your daily routine so that it is more simple and less stressful, is actually pretty easy, all you have to do is put as many of the above ideas would benefit your life into practice. Do it today and you will almost certainly not regret it!

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