Making Bath Time Fun Again With Kids Stuff Crazy

AD | Gifted products Back in February Erin broke her arm and she had to go about 7 weeks with her arm in a cast. Although she coped with it really well, bath time and getting washed was a bit of an issue. Erin’s cast went really far up her arm and one of those special covers wouldn’t fit. We don’t have a shower so poor Erin was stuck having her hair washed once a week laying backwards over the bath and had it rinsed with a jug. To say she was unhappy was an

Fun In The Bath With Child’s Farm

AD | Gifted items For a really long time Erin has loved a bath. Except for on nursery days (because she falls asleep so early), Erin has a bath at least an hour long and it’s one of her favourite times of the day. However, being in the water so much, especially in winter, can really dry out Erin’s skin and she has eczema prone skin too. Child’s Farm kindly sent us some of their products for Erin to try. When it comes to baths Erin has a few things she needs and the first

Staying Squeaky Clean With Good Bubble

When it comes to bedtime we have quite a strict routine. The time may change depending on what has been going on but Erin always has a bath, watches In The Night Garden and then goes to bed. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, a bath is the most important part of our bedtime routine. Although she whinges a little bit sometimes when it’s time to get in, because she doesn’t want to stop whatever else she is doing, she never actually wants to get out either! I would say it’s probably her favourite