9 Common Problems Businesses Face — And Their Solutions

AD | Collaborative post There’s never been a time when businesses had it easy. There have always been issues to deal with. But the nature of those problems changes over time; the challenges that businesses of the 1980s had to deal with are different from the issues of today, just as businesses of the future will have their own set of obstacles to overcome. You can only play the hand you’ve been dealt, and while today’s businesses have a host of things in their favour, there are also some unique challenges that must be addressed

Review: Aura Print Business Cards

AD | Collaborative post It’s been a few years now since I decided to be self-employed full time and I quit my part time job at a supermarket. It wasn’t a decision that was made easily and it was something that I really had to work towards before I could commit to it. Over the years, I have learned a lot about blogging and some of the things that can make my job easier. Aura Print kindly sent me some beautiful business cards to help me out!

3 tips for starting a business as a busy parent

Collaborative post Being your own boss sounds like just about the perfect set up for the busy parent. As a small business owner, you have the chance to set your own schedule while doing something you’re truly passionate about.  It’s a flexibility that many of us are craving after the pandemic. And though the early days of starting your business will be hard work, it’s worth it in the long run. Provided you have a workable business concept and the dedication to make it pay off, you can build a career you love that works