One of my absolute favourite places to visit is the zoo and luckily, John and Erin love them just as much as I do. Just over a week ago it was John’s birthday and we went away to London for the night using a Buy A Gift Voucher for a hotel stay. We needed something to do while we were there though so we decided that London Zoo was the way to go. Using Buy A Gift again, we chose the Entry To ZSL Zoo For 2 Adults experience which costs £48.60. If we had bought tickets
Tag: London Attractions
Diana Memorial Playground and Kensington Gardens, London
Now that Erin is nearly 2 and running around all over the place going away with her is not nearly as easy as it used to be. She used to be quite happy sitting in her pushchair wherever we went and wouldn’t be too bothered about getting out. However, now she wants to be out all of the time and gets really frustrated if she’s confined for too long. Visiting London means Erin has to stay in her pushchair while we’re going from place to place on the tube and again if we’re in shops
Hackney City Farm, London
We have been to London quite a few times this year and have always been mega busy with either pre-booked activities or other plans I have made! The last time we went we were there for 4 days and 3 nights meaning we had quite a lot of time to fill. London can be very expensive though with meals out for all of that time as well as the accommodation and travel costs both to get there and on the tube. Recently, I have been trying to find more and more free or super cheap
Dragonflies, Christmas Trees And The Handmade Fair
Last weekend I headed off to London so that I could go to Kirstie Allsopp’s The Handmade Fair at Hampton Court with my sister and her fiance. Honestly, I am not a crafty person whatsoever but I had been really excited about this for months and months. The Handmade Fair is an outdoor event so with it being in the middle of September, we were expecting the worst. There are various sessions you can attend throughout the day but you need tickets for each. You can either book these at the time of buying your
Ripley’s Believe It Or Not: London
AD | Gifted John and I got married in Florida in 2013. While we were there we went to Ripley’s Believe It Or Not and it was so much fun. We recently had the opportunity to visit Ripley’s London and we couldn’t wait! Ripley’s London can be found smack bang in the middle of Piccadilly Circus. When we arrived Erin had just fallen asleep! Typical and very bad timing. However, we were heading home that day so we couldn’t wait for her to wake up and it’s a good job we didn’t as she ended
Sea Life London Aquarium: Ocean Invaders
AD | Gifted tickets Just recently we were invited to attend the opening of a brand new experience at the London Sea Life Aquarium. I was gutted to not be able to attend but we planned a visit the next week when we were taking Erin to London for a few days. Erin had never been to a Sea Life Centre before and I couldn’t wait to see what she made of it. My sister and her fiance also came with us as they’d never been before either. First Impressions When you first enter Sea
London Duck Tours
AD | Press tickets I have been to London many times before but something I have never done is to go on a bus tour. During my recent London Getaway I decided to change this. Me, my sister and her boyfriend were really excited to be heading off on a London Duck Tour. When we arrived at the Duck Tour bus stop near the Southbank Center I was really excited. The ‘Duck’ was sat there waiting for us. I knew that it was a bit of a mix between a bus and a boat seeing