Yesterday was a hard day. After posting about my admittance of having post natal depression (PND) quite quickly made a doctor’s appointment. I knew that if I didn’t I would probably chicken out and not want to go. Seeking help really is the first step to recovery. My doctor’s surgery changes its rules about when you can and can’t book in advance for so getting an appointment with a particular doctor is nearly impossible. My appointment ended up being with someone who doesn’t work there very often and I had never seen before. I actually think I
Tag: Pregnancy
Being Able To Admit That Something Is Wrong
When I think about it, I think I knew something was wrong months ago. It was only earlier on this evening, after a row about something stupid and me crying pretty hysterically, did I admit to my husband that I think I’ve got postnatal depression (PND). I don’t think it though. Really, I’ve known for months but haven’t wanted to really admit it to myself or anyone else. It’s not just one thing that has got me here either, it’s really quite a lot of different things. I sort of feel like a bit of a
New Year, New Family Member!
It has been months since I posted anything and that makes me a bad blogger! Last time you all heard from me I was 18 weeks pregnant and that was a long time ago! As pregnancy goes, I had a pretty rough time of it. For the first three months or so I suffered with quite bad morning sickness and I was tired the whole time. I had a couple of months in the middle that I felt okay about but then the third trimester kicked in and everything got worse. The sickness came back