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Gardeners, on the whole, are not slackers. Indeed, the vast majority of gardeners like nothing more than getting out in the fresh air and pottering around, tending to their seedlings, flowers, vegetables, and herbs. However, for most individuals, it must come after a long list of other responsibilities such as work, home, family obligations, and so on.
Here, we look at how you can be a lazy gardener but still have a great-looking outdoor space for you and your family.
Deadhead the flowers
Yes, this one does require some effort, but this comparatively straightforward chore might be one of the most significant things you do for your garden if you want to see an immediate improvement in its appearance.
Deadheading wasted blooms keep flowers appearing fresh and neat while also allowing them to bloom for a longer period of time. If you cultivate flowers, consider cutting some and placing them in a vase to be exhibited in your home to get the most out of them. Do not be concerned if you miss a few blooms before they go to seed. Scatter their seeds across your garden and let them to self-seed. Some flower species, such as poppies and other wildflowers, are ideal for this and require little care.
Look for plants that bring in natural predators
The elimination of unwanted pests is one of the most time-consuming tasks in the garden. Introduce plants that encourage and attract natural predators to keep them in check. Plants that attract ladybirds, for example. These, in turn, keep aphids at bay. This, in return, encourages bees to pollinate your plants, allowing them to flourish and providing you with a beautiful landscape.
Use the tools available
There is nothing wrong with taking shortcuts and making the best use of the tools at your disposal. Grab it with both hands and use it, whether it is a ride-on lawnmower or muck spreaders for those with bigger gardens and budgets, it is pointless to be a saint and do everything the hard way when there are tools to make it easier and quicker.
Plant perennials
Do you want to cultivate your own vegetables but can’t be bothered or do not have the time to plant them every year? There is a workaround, however: plant some perennial vegetables. These will self-renew year after year, making them very low-maintenance. Rhubarb, asparagus, and the trendy favorite, kale, are examples of such veggies.
Consider raised beds
If you do not want to dig into the earth or have mobility issues that prevent you from stooping over and digging, choose raised beds for your vegetables. They are fantastic for your back and will save you time!
Look at planting companions
Some plants operate really well when cultivated close to one another and support one another. This is known as companion planting. Lavender with leeks and carrots, for example, is a delicious combo. Because lavender is strongly perfumed, it discourages aphids from attacking it.
Lay new grass
For the laziest of gardeners, artificial grass is a solution, but let’s face it, it does not look anywhere near as good as real grass and does not encourage wildlife at the same rate as the proper stuff. As it is made of plastic, it is also pretty terrible for the environment as a whole. Instead, start again by putting down new turf or look for the best grass seed to grow a great looking lawn.
Deck the garden
While decking clearly takes time and money to install, it requires relatively little upkeep once it is in place – a coat of paint or varnish every couple of years and the odd sweep – but it can transform a neglected or uneven portion of the yard into a fantastic looking spot.
With a few pieces of furniture, some cozy cushions and throws, charming bunting, and a few lanterns and fairy lights scattered around, you will have a space that looks great and requires very little maintenance.
Pretend it is meant to look like that
If you truly can’t be bothered, then let it alone and call it a wildlife refuge. Overgrown grass with wildflowers can be a meadow, and mounds of dead leaves and garden detritus can be a haven for all sorts of fantastic insects and creatures, such as hedgehogs.
As you can see, you can invest very little time and work and still have a beautiful garden. What are your tricks for saving money, being lazy while yet having a beautiful outdoor space?