Rubix 3x3 Cube

Win A Rubik’s 3×3 Cube

Are we on week 8 or 9 now of being on lock down? I’ve honestly lost track of the days and weeks but I know it feels like forever some times. We have been very lucky that we have been keeping busy with loads of board games, such as the bundle we received from John Adams. It can be hard though to keep buying new toys and games to keep yourself and the kids occupied and happy so today I wanted to bring you a fun giveaway.

Rubix 3x3 Cube

To help keep you busy during these tough times we’re giving away a Rubik’s 3×3 Cube. It is aged at age 8+ so great for both older children and adults. Until recently, I hadn’t even attempted to do one myself but they’re really fun and they definitely keep help keep your brain going!

Enter the giveaway!

Ends 10th June at 23:59. UK entrants only.

Win A Rubix 3×3 Cube

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