Easter cake and colourful eggs on a table, with Easter theme

Erin’s First Easter Egg Hunt

This year Erin is 3 and really, it’s the first year that she’s been any kind of excited about Easter. I think going to nursery, talking about Easter and doing activities about Easter have really helped to pique her interest. In previous years, we haven’t really done anything for Easter apart from buying Erin a few treats or eggs. This year thought we wanted to do something a bit more special and make a bigger deal of it.

This year was Erin’s first Easter Egg hunt!

I really would have liked to have set the whole thing up the nice before but the grass had been damp in the mornings so it wasn’t really very practical. Also, with the weather being so warm over the Easter weekend I couldn’t leave eggs outside too long either just in case they melted. John and I set up the Easter Egg hunt only about 10 minutes before we let Erin do it. My Mum was here watching Erin so we could do it without her knowing.

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

As soon as Erin went outside she spied one Easter egg and got so excited about the hunt. We don’t have a very interesting garden so John and I had to get creative with where we put some of the eggs. We had way more eggs than we thought so in the end we just threw some of them around the lawn but Erin didn’t care.

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

I am so glad that this year was Erin’s first Easter egg hunt. Seeing the excitement on her face was the absolute best and I could see just how much fun she had looking everywhere in the garden for the eggs. I think we’ve decided to try to make the garden more interesting for next year though with better hiding places!


Erin's First Easter Egg Hunt

10 thoughts on “Erin’s First Easter Egg Hunt”

  1. How cute – we abandoned ours as the eggs were melting – we might re-do it when the weather cools down

  2. Oh their first Easter egg is always so special. We actually had our first one at home this weekend, it was so much fun.

  3. Wow looks like great fun! I do not ever remember having easter egg hunts as a kid. How about next year you hide them in the garden and the house?

  4. We had a frantic egg hunt here! My children wanted me to make it difficult, by making up clues and sending them to places around the house, garden, car to find the goodies … and of course I was running behind schedule as we had family popping over for lunch. We got there though – and I hadn’t got my clues in the wrong order!

  5. We usually do our egg hunts with painted hard boiled eggs, as is customary in Germany. But this year we had a joint egg hunt with our neighbours, so my kids were delighted to get a UK style hunt with chocolate eggs instead!

  6. That is so cute and thoughtful from documenting her first ever egg hunt – there will be many more! We had about 20 this year and we started in March!

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