Exploring Moral Values with Your Child

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Parents have an obligation to their children to help them grow up to be good, kind people, by being a great role model and using various other strategies to instil them with decent morals. Morality is what helps children understand the difference between right and wrong and how to treat people with respect. Here are some tips from a pre-prep school in Kensington on how to explore moral values with your child.

There are so many morals to learn and the chances are, you’re probably exploring many of them with your child without even realising it. It’s likely that you’re already relentlessly reminding your child to say please and thank you, share their toys with their friends and respect the rules at home. However, there are lots of other concepts to explore. For instance, your child will need to know that stealing is wrong, honesty is the best policy and that they should treat people the way they wish to be treated. Although these might sound like cliches, they form a crucial part of your child’s overall development. 

Chat with your child about healthy conversations, pointing out that listening is just as important as talking and that it’s rude to interrupt. You should also help them understand the importance of accepting responsibility after having a disagreement with someone, so that they learn to appreciate the importance of apologising and moving forward. 

Help your child understand the importance of hard work and determination, so that they start to value their education. Make sure they know that their homework comes first each night after school; it should be the number one priority before any leisure activities. If they learn an instrument or are part of a different extra-curricular club, make sure they know how important it is to practise regularly, even if they don’t feel like it or they are struggling. They need to know that trying their best is the most important thing when it comes to their success. 

When teaching your child about a particular moral value, it’s always a good idea to share some personal stories of when this type of behaviour worked well for you. This will help bring the concept to life so that they can understand it better. If you don’t have a personal example, you could use hypothetical situations instead. For example, when watching TV you could discuss what you would have done differently to the character on-screen.

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