Home Improvements To Start Before The New Year

Home Improvements To Start Before The New Year

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Happy almost Christmas! This time of the year, I love to do everything I can to set myself up for a great start to the New Year. Buying new planners, reconnecting with friends I haven’t talked to in a while, revamping my wardrobe, and making improvements on my home are some of my favourite things to do. If you are anything like me, you know that having a good home can make your life so much happier! Here are some suggestions for things you can do to improve your home before the new year.

Buy A New Mattress

If you have aches and pains, now is the time to replace your old mattress and maybe bed frame, as well. Mattress Firm says, “ Here are a few reasons you may want to replace your mattress each year:

Your body has probably changed since you last bought a mattress. You may have gained a few pounds or sustained an injury that’s still susceptible to pressure. Updating your mattress to provide maximum support for your body as it is now will result in better sleep.
Changes in your lifestyle may warrant the purchase of a new mattress. The one you’re sleeping on now might have belonged to your partner before you met and may not provide you with the support you need. If you share a bed, it’s important to find a mattress that suits both of you. If you now have more space available for a bigger bed, it’s wise to upgrade to the largest mattress you can afford.

All sorts of unwelcome matter tends to collect on mattresses – dead skin cells, body fluids, dust mites, pollen and other allergens. In fact, the accumulation of all this matter may cause your mattress to nearly double in weight after ten years, according to a report by CBS News’ “The Early Show.” While laundering your linens and vacuuming your mattress regularly is recommended, these particles will still be present and may cause problems for people with allergies. We recommend that people who suffer from severe allergies replace their mattresses even more frequently.

Morning aches and pains, stiffness, sore muscles, tingling or numbness in your extremities, and feeling groggy and fatigued despite a full night’s sleep are all signs of a worn-out mattress. Sleeplessness due to tossing and turning or shifting positions throughout the night is also an indication of a need to replace your mattress.

Take time regularly to check your mattress for signs of age and wear. Look for lumps, sagging and indentations, all of which can contribute to uncomfortable sleep.”

Protect Yourself Against UV Rays

UHS Window Tinting and Blinds says, “Radiation from the sun is divided into three components: light that we can see, and infrared and UV rays that we can only feel. As the sun strikes glass, the window film acts as a shield that blocks harmful UV rays, as well as regulates the amount of heat that passes through the glass. In turn, the interior of your office or home will have a more comfortable temperature, even without increasing the cooling or air conditioning capacity in the room. By simply having a window film on your glass doors and windows, you can be protected from the sun and reduce your energy costs at the same time.” Without window films, those UV rays penetrate through the glass and hit your furniture and artwork (which can cause fading), your animals, and even your skin. In order to block the UV rays, window tinting, or adding window films to your windows is a really easy and great option to keep yourself and your home safe.

Located out of Alpharetta, Georgia, and serving the entire Metro-Atlanta area, UHS Window Tinting and Blinds use Prestige Series films because they increase their performance at a faster rate as the sun’s angle increases. This means that you will receive greater protection and comfort when you need it the most. Not only do UHS Window Tinting and Blinds films help with UV protection, but they also help with reduced energy costs, increased safety and security, additional privacy and decoration, and they help with glare, as well. If you are searching for a window tinting service in Atlanta, definitely check out UHS Window Tinting and Blinds.

Do Your Spring – er, Winter – Cleaning

You know that junk drawer you’ve been meaning to clean out for 3 and a half years now? Or the shelf in your closet that has all the unfolded clothes on it that you’ve been meaning to organise? Starting the new year with a messy environment will make you feel just that – messy! No one wants to start a new year feeling unorganised and scattered. New year new you, right?! A great way to start is by organising your home. Living in a neat and organised environment will make you feel more put together and help you stay organised in other aspects of your life, as well. Using plastic bins, or these cute woven ones from Target, can help you to find a special place for all of those items you just don’t have anywhere to put.

Get Your Chimney Inspected

Having your fireplace inspected is extremely important because it lowers your risk of fire. The Chimney Safety Institute of America says, “If your appliance or your venting system has not changed and you plan to use your system as you have in the past, then a Level 1 inspection is a minimum requirement. A Level 1 inspection is recommended for a chimney under continued service, under the same conditions, and with the continued use of the same appliance.

​In a Level 1 inspection, your chimney service technician should examine the readily accessible** portions of the chimney exterior, interior and accessible* portions of the appliance and the chimney connection. Your technician will be looking for the basic soundness of the chimney structure and flue as well as the basic appliance installation and connections. The technician will also verify the chimney is free of obstruction and combustible deposits.”

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