Revamping My Autumn Wardrobe With Simply Be

AD | gifted items Usually in Autumn I end up stuck in a bit of a rut when it comes to clothes. It’s easy enough to stick on a pair of jeans and an old jumper but I’m trying to make a bit more of an effort with what I wear on a day to day basis. It was absolutely effortless to fall into a slump of wearing clothes that are neither flattering or even nice really and I’ve been feeling like the woman who can’t be bothered to make an effort recently. With that

6 Things I Love About Autumn

Out of all of the seasons I think autumn is my absolute favourite. Summer, especially this summer, makes me uncomfortably hot. I really don’t like looking like a hot, sweaty mess all of the time. Winter and spring can both be as bad as each other, depending on when snow decides to fall and the rain is usually horrendous. We have a really cold house so winter is not a good time for us. Autumn, on the other hand, can be pretty wonderful and here’s why: Hot chocolate I very rarely drink hot drinks but

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn Wardrobe

As soon as the schools went back after the summer holidays it seemed like summer went away as well. We were met with storms and extremely heavy winds and days and days of rain. I was hopeful that this wouldn’t last but I was wrong. The sun and warmth had well and truly gone and Autumn was here! Every year I put the majority of my Autumn clothes in a big box in my wardrobe as soon as the weather starts to get nicer. Normally I try to leave them there until at least the