Summer Lunch Solutions From Thermos

AD | Post contains gifted items Erin is going on a school trip to the zoo in a couple of weeks and she needs to take a packed lunch with her. She takes packed lunches all throughout the holidays anyway but normally we are able to put them in the fridge at school to keep everything at the right temperature. With the weather being so nice at the minute, and it being so warm, nursery have advised us to be a bit more careful with what we pack for the trip as it can’t be

Hydro Flask Food Flask Review

John works 6 days a week a lot of the time and takes lunch with him every single day. As crazy as this may sound, the place where he works doesn’t have a microwave and they won’t allow one due to some kind of rule. This means that John has to take cold lunches or buy food in the cafeteria, which never happens because it costs more money! I guess this is probably why they don’t have a microwave. Up until recently we have had to make do with Tupperware and lunch boxes filled with