BRIO Classic Train Review

Erin has now been going to nursery for nearly half a year and since she started, she has come home liking all different ways of playing and different kinds of toys. She is so interested in how things work and pulling things apart and putting them back together again. Nursery, along with Thomas the Tank Engine and regular family trips has sparked Erin’s interest in trains. She loves to go on them and loves to look out for them when she knows we’re near the train station so what better than a toy train from

BRIO Classic Figure 8 Review

One of Erin’s favourite toys is her BRIO wooden pram. She loved it from the minute she got it and plays with it every single day. So, when we had the opportunity to try the BRIO Classic Figure 8 set we jumped at the chance. Erin has a massive love for trains and knows as soon as we get near the train station where we are going. In the box you get: 14 pieces of train track 3 trees 1 train station 1 bridge 3 pieces of train The set is really easy to put together