Cleaning Up The Garden With FFX

We are very lucky to have a large garden. We have a decent sized patio, a 10ft x 10ft piece of decking and a whole lot of lawn. Our rabbits have a hutch each after trying to kill one another a couple of years ago and they are massive! Not only do the rabbits take up a lot of room but we also need somewhere to keep their food, straw and hay! Just recently we’ve had some help cleaning up with garden from FFX. The first item on my shopping list was somewhere to store

Home Improvement Dreams

AD | Collaborative post When John and I bought this house in 2014 I already had a massive list of things that I wanted to do to it. You see, we bought a fixer upper! At the time, we knew we had to get on the properly ladder and I could see the potential in the run down 4 bedroom Victorian semi that we ended up buying. John wanted something much more modern but as usual, I got my own way. 3 years down the line we haven’t got nearly as much done as I’d

Feeding The Birds And Welcoming Nature

Erin loves being out in the garden. I was never really very outdoorsy as a child, I think because we never had a real garden. We had a concrete area at the back of the house but no plants at all. Maybe this is why bees and wasps scare me so much. I love how much Erin enjoys being outside and I want it to stay that way. Boxwild have recently helped us out with a fantastic way of feeding the birds that may come into our garden. We have started out with the Bird

Small Space Gardening Solutions

In your dreams, you have a garden that stretches as far as your eye can see. You grow your own fruit and vegetables; can walk through a riot of colour of summer flowers; can inhale the heady fragrance of honeysuckle and jasmine as they climb over your huge potting shed. That’s the dream, anyway – the reality can be very different. How do you cope if you’re a gardener with no garden, or at least, only a very limited space to work in? It’s a reality that many people find themselves facing, especially if they

Creating A Children’s Play Room In The Garden

AD | Collaborative post John and I are very lucky that we were able to buy a house with a pretty big garden. Now, it’s not massive but it is probably bigger than average I’d say. When we moved it it was a mess. There was a pond, a sunken patio, hundreds of plants only in very shallow and hard soil, as well as a massive garden outbuilding that was removed before we moved in! It took 4 skips and a massive redesign for the garden to look how it does today. However, it is

How Garden Offices Can Help You Make The Most Of Summer

AD | Collaborative posts Over the last 6 or 7 weeks I have been making some changes around the house. During this time I made an area of the living room/ dining room into my very own office. It’s not quite finished yet but I’m getting there. The problem though, is that it is the middle of summer and my office looks out into the garden. I want to be out, enjoying the beautiful weather and feeling the warmth of the sun (when that actually happens). We are lucky that we have a pretty big

Garden Storage From Keter

AD | Contains affiliate links One of the first tasks when we bought our house was to tackle the garden. Last year we managed to finish clearing it all, get some decking laid and also get a pretty big big of lawn laid as well. It all looked beautiful until Jackson destroyed the grass with his poison pee. Anyway, the one thing we lacked was garden storage. We have a shed at the bottom of the garden but it’s such a mess. It has woodworm, a rotten floor and a massive hole in the back

Garden Makeover!

When John and I were buying our first house one of the biggest things I was looking for was a decent sized garden. Growing up I never had a real garden, just a concrete slab of a back yard. I had always wanted somewhere to relax after work and on days off, somewhere to have BBQs and somewhere for our children to play eventually. While the garden was sort of nice to start with, it wasn’t at all what I wanted. Last summer my mum came to visit and started pulling up anything that was