Fun Halloween Films For Children Under 5

Halloween is just a few weeks away now and it’s really one of the first years that Erin has asked a bit more about it. In previous years Erin hasn’t been bothered at all and she also really didn’t like to watch films. This year though Erin has really found a love for cuddling up on the couch with a film so we want to introduce to some that are Halloween themed. As she is still only 3 (closer to 4) we have been looking for family friendly films that won’t be too scary for

Film Ideas For Children That Don’t Like Animation

For the longest time I have been trying to get Erin interested in watching films. I would love to be able to sit on the couch with her on a rainy day, with our duvet, and cuddle up to watch something fun. Unfortunately, it really hasn’t gone in my favour. Erin has always quite liked cartoons and is happy to sit and watch random videos on YouTube for a while but a film she just will not bother with. We have tried all sorts and up until recently, the most we could get out of

3 Classic Kids Movies That Can Change Your Child’s Life

AD | Collaborative post  There are a virtually endless amount of brilliant and not-so-brilliant children’s movies that have been made over the years. Some, we probably have very fond memories of, and others we flat-out hate. There are some movies, however, which have the power to stick with us throughout our lives in the lessons they teach us. It’s those movies that you want to make sure your child sees. Here are three classic kids movies with life-changing messages that you should show to your child immediately if you haven’t already. The Neverending Story The