New books from Nosy Crow (October 2023)

AD | Post contains gifted items and affiliate links If you’ve got a little bookworm at home then you will probably always be on the lookout for new books. Nosy Crow has a great selection, released in October 2023. You’ll find a mix of books below.

Beautiful Board Books From Quarto And Giveaway

AD | Gifted items Reading is a pretty big deal in our house. I remember buying Erin plenty of books before she was even born and now she’s got a small library going on in her bedroom. When we bought her IKEA Kallax shelving I hadn’t planned on it being taken over by books but I really not complaining about that now! Reading is such a great way to encourage children’s imaginations, provide a way to explain new things to them and also, they are just fun to look at and read. Erin loves to read

Children’s Book Review: Tooth Fairy In Training

AD | Gifted item We love reading and one of Erin’s favourite things to do is to visit the library to get something new to read. We’re always on the look out for books she might enjoy and we were recently sent Tooth Fairy In Training by Michelle Robinson and Briony May Smith.  Tate’s big sister May is taking her out on her very first tooth-collecting mission, and it’s going to be a little … well, dangerous. It will involve trekking through the deep, dark jungle, plunging into the murky ocean, and facing the ice of the Arctic.

Children’s Book Review: There’s A Dinosaur On The 13th Floor

AD | Gifted Every night before bed Erin likes to read a few books. We have a lovely collection at the moment but we always like to change it up which is why we are always looking for new books that we think she will like. The lovely people at Walker Books recently sent us There’s A Dinosaur On The 13th Floor by Wade Bradford. Mr Snore checks into a hotel room, only to discover that the room is already occupied – by a mouse! So the porter moves Mr Snore up a floor to a

Dragon Post By Emma Yarlett

Erin’s imagination is really starting to shine and I love the things she comes up with. I think being at nursery 3 days a week and being encouraged to use her imagination has really helped. Now, it’s up to us at home to keep encouraging Erin and with the help of books like Dragon Post, we can do that. One day Alex finds a dragon living in the cupboard under the stairs. Luckily he knows just what to do. He writes letters to lots of different people – including the fire brigade and the butcher–