Get Ready For Back To School With My Nametags

When Erin started going to nursery back in January I didn’t think I would have the need for things like name tags just yet. I figured, what could Erin possibly lose at nursery when she only goes 3 days a week and barely takes anything with her. It turns out, things go missing all of the time and Erin often comes home without the jumper or t-shirt she had one when I dropped her off. Sometimes, there is a big search when I pick her up or drop her off the next day for whatever

Britax Römer EVOLVA 1-2-3 SL SICT Car Seat Review

AD | Gifted product When I bought our previous car seat I’ll admit that I didn’t really know what I was doing. I didn’t really know what I should be looking for and I didn’t know what was good and what wasn’t. I ended up buying a car seat that wasn’t really that great for Erin. Every time she would fall asleep her head would fall forward and nothing I did would stop that from happening. That surely wasn’t very comfortable or safe for her. So, I had been looking at getting a new car

BRITAX B-Lite Pushchair Review

We have been using the same pushchair for around a year now and as much as I like it, it just isn’t perfect for us all of the time any more. Although Erin would try to walk everywhere, we do use the pushchair daily, especially now we have to the nursery runs on three days a week. As neither me or John drive we can’t really cope well with any large or heavy pushchair as I have to be able to get it through the front door, up steps etc. Although we do have a

boohooMAN Big & Tall Review

When it comes to clothes, John tends to get the bad end of the deal. He tends to only really get things when he desperately needs them and not because it would be nice to have some extras/ something that he likes. With him being 6″1 we find that a lot of clothes don’t fit him very well. T-shirts end up too short and show off his stomach or the sizes are just misleading. We were recently introduced to boohooMAN’s brand new Big & Tall range and it sounded perfect for John. We couldn’t wait to

DVD Review: Spark

John and I have always been massive film fans and we love to watch a new film. However, since Erin was born we haven’t watched quite as many as we used to. Now, when we get the time to watch a film we try to include Erin and find something family friendly. We recently had the opportunity to review the new animated film, Spark, which was released on 18th September! Spark is a wisecracking, teenage monkey who lives on an abandoned planet with his friends Chunk the pig Chunk, a fox called Vix and some