How We Will Be Spending New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve 2015 was one I will never forget. Well, actually, I can’t quite remember all of it to be perfectly honest but it was the day before my beautiful little girl was born. From then, New Year’s Eve was never going to be the same again. Even before Erin was born, John and I never really did anything on New Year’s Eve. I spent more than enough years going out to a pub or club or a party somewhere and I don’t really drink alcohol any more. Going out and celebrating at a

Making The Most Of Winter With Dry Kids

AD | Post contains gifted items Erin is an outdoor girl. A few years ago I would have laughed had you told me any child of mine would grow up loving the outdoors and exploring. However, moving to Norfolk certainly changed who I am and now I want to be out there with her. I’ll still scream at a wasp or bee but I’m much better than I used to be. The problem with having a child who loves to be outside is that they want to do that whether it’s warm, cold, snowing or raining.

The Blogger’s Daughter

As a blogger, I have my camera out a lot. In fact, I have it to hand most of the time and I never leave the house without either having my Canon PowerShot G7X Mark II or my phone. Erin has grown up around a camera and I guess she’s just grown up getting used to pictures being taken of her. That’s really no different to any normal family wanting to document their child growing up. The difference is Erin’s photos are all over the internet. Erin is just coming up to being 2 and