What to expect from your child’s 2 year health visitor review

Last week Erin had her 2 year Health Visitor review. Now, I know they don’t really do them spot on 2 years old but they’re supposed to be carried out between 2 years and 2.5 years. Erin had hers at 29 months so the timing was pretty spot on. She was actually supposed to have it a month earlier but we had to reschedule due to the first appointment falling on one of her nursery days. Before Erin’s appointment I really didn’t know what to expect so hopefully this blog post will come in useful

Sterilisation: Failed By The NHS

Last month I was supposed to have my sterilisation procedure. After months and months of waiting, and being on a waiting list, I had finally been given an appointment. The 19th September was quickly approaching and while I was nervous, I was pretty excited about having something done I’d fought hard to have and also waited so long for. About 10 days before my procedure date I received a letter telling me that my appointment at the hospital was cancelled with barely any explanation why. With the gynecology department at the hospital being no help

Bullshit, Lies And The NHS

Since the beginning of the year I have been posting on and off about the choice John and I made not to have any more children. After a really traumatic pregnancy and birth, we decided that the risk of me getting pregnant again is not worth going through what I did last time. Earlier in the year we made the decision for me to go ahead with a sterilisation and after months and months of waiting for an appointment, I finally got booked in last month. Last Wednesday I received a letter from the hospital