The Start Of A Garden Makeover

When we moved into this house something we were quite excited about was having a large shed. We’d never had an actual garden before so having a huge 8×6 (I think) shed sounded like a great thing for us. However, we soon realised that not only did we not need that much space but we also managed to fill it with so much rubbish that we had to have someone come to remove it all for us… twice. We don’t drive so taking things to the tip ourselves wasn’t an option but it did mean

Tips for Creating a Rustic Garden

AD | Collaborative post In the world where fast fashion and mass production seem to have reached their peak, it comes as no surprise that some people are returning back to basics. That’s one of the reasons that the rustic design is becoming so increasingly popular. In layman’s terms, the word “rustic” is often used to describe something that’s simple in nature, yet sturdy, usable and practical. However, in the décor world, rustic pieces are the ones that are of high-quality and somewhat unique in terms of not really being able to obtain them just

How to Clear Your Shed and Make it More Organised

AD | Collaborative post with Kwiksweep It’s that time of year again, where we’re all looking to spend more time in our garden. However, for most of us, before we can truly relax and enjoy the good weather – we have to deal with our sheds, which are often dumping grounds for all the things we can’t fit into our homes.  Over time, though, these sheds or huts can become totally cluttered meaning many of us can’t even get into our sheds in order to find what we need. If this sounds like you, it’s

Celebrating Hover Week With Flymo

AD | Gifted item Over the past couple of months while we have been spending a lot more time at home our garden has been a real special place for us. Without it, we would definitely not be doing as well as we are right now. Living in a small town means that we don’t have many options for long walks or places to explore and it can really feel like we are stuck at home sometimes. I know how lucky we are to have a great outdoor space to call our own but sometimes

Easy Ways to Make Your Backyard More Fun for Kids

AD | Collaborative post Are you staying cooped up at home this year? While you might like the break from work and traffic, your kids are probably getting more bored by the second. So how can you keep them busy and active in your backyard? Here are some ideas that will make your outdoor space fun and kid-friendly.  Add a sandbox to your space No matter how young your kids are, they will love some sand play. Even toddlers as young as 1yo will enjoy digging their toes in the sand, squishing it with their

2020 Summer Garden Plans

A month ago I think I might have been writing a very different post. However, the current situation means that things have changed somewhat. At the beginning of the year I wrote about the plans I had for the year ahead; the things I wanted to get done around the house. The garden has become a bit of a sanctuary for us at the moment, being one of the only places we can go to get some fresh air and to escape the house and now we need to think about our garden for the

Gardening for your wellbeing

AD | Collaborative post Mental health isn’t a straight line. There are ups and downs, substantial curve balls and incredible highs. And sometimes there are dips. Anyone can experience periods where we aren’t quite feeling ourselves. And there could be a number of reasons too. Anxiety can creep up on us when we least expect it. SAD – seasonal affective disorder, can hit hard over the winter months. OCD – obsessive-compulsive disorder can have long term impact. And there are many other things in between too. In fact, it is said that mental health will

Helping In The Garden With The Casdon Flymo

AD | Gifted  It was only a couple of months ago now that Erin really got to watch John mowing the lawn in our back garden for the first time. I think we’ve either kept her inside before now or done it while she was having a nap. Erin was absolutely fascinated though and she really wanted to help. Of course, it was a bit dangerous for her so I knew she would love the Casdon Flymo that we were sent recently. The Casdon Flymo comes in three really easy to put together parts, the