5 Ways To Make More Space At Home

When we moved into our 4 bedroom Victorian semi I laughed about how we would never fill the space. We’ve now lived in this house for 4 years, nearly to the day and we definitely don’t have enough space anymore. There are plenty of ways to make more space at home though so here are some ideas: 1. Spare Rooms If you have a spare bedroom or reception room then this could be a great way to make more space at home. Usually one of our spare bedrooms is used as a storage room for

How To Make The Most Of A Family Garden

Collaborative post We are very lucky to have quite a large garden, even if it needs a bit of work doing to it. As soon as we moved in we started to clear the overgrown mess we had been left with and after 3 skips worth of rubbish, we ended up with a nice lawn (although now ruined by a dog). We also got new fences a couple of years ago and our neighbour did the same so that was a big job done. When we moved in it was just me and John but now,

How To Spruce Up Your Home In Spring

Now that spring is well and truly here it’s time to start thinking about getting those jobs done that you’ve been putting off all winter. I personally have loads of things I would like to get done around the house and in the garden this spring. My biggest wish for this year is to decorate the living room. I am so sick of seeing white walls everywhere in the house and the living room needs some colour. I have my heart set on a navy, mustard and grey theme but still can’t quite work on

How To Get Children Interested In Gardening

It looks like spring is finally on its way and the bad weather is nearly behind us. Erin loves being outside and would probably spend most of her time outside if she could get away with it. Last month, before the snow came, I attempted to get some new grass seed down and Erin was so interested in what I was doing. This got me thinking about how to get children interested in gardening. I think it’s really important to let children explore and get dirty and this is something Erin is really good at.

How To Prepare Your Garden For Spring

AD | Collaborative post. Now that the Beast From The East is firmly behind us I think we can finally start looking forwards towards spring. One thing I love the most about spring is being able to get out in the garden again. I really miss spending time in the garden over winter but unfortunately, the rain destroys a large part of our lawn if we walk on it too much. There will be a lot of people in the same position as me so I thought I’d share some tips on how to prepare

How To Get Your Garden Winter Ready

AD | Collaborative post Christmas is now be over and we’re getting well into January and I’m already looking forward to the nicer weather. While we may spend time curled up inside where it is warm and cosy there is still one part of the home that needs looking after is the garden. I’m guilty myself of neglecting the garden over winter but there are plenty of things you can do to prepare it beforehand. Mow The Lawn We have quite a large garden with a lot of lawn space. During the summer we have

Help Your Kids Embrace Their Green Thumbs!

Gardening can be one of the most relaxing, enjoyable, and therapeutic things you can do with your time, but trying to get it done when you also have little ones to worry about can be something of a challenge, putting it lightly! However, there’s one great way that you can make the gardening a little bit easier while keeping your kids occupied and entertained: get them involved! Not only does that allow you to keep a close eye on them while you’re taking care of the garden but you may well be able to awaken

Your Ultimate Guide To Indoor Gardening

Whether you don’t have a garden but want to enjoy the beauty of plants inside your home or whether you’re growing plants in a greenhouse or polytunnel such as those supplied by First Tunnels, you could probably benefit from some top tips about how best to garden indoors. According to The Telegraph, indoor gardening is on the rise as increasing numbers of people are living in smaller, rented accommodation without access to an outdoor space of their own. With 52% of householders also having houseplants in order to counter air pollution, it’s easy to see