Do We Expect Too Much From Our Toddlers?

I’ll be the first to admit that I regularly lose my shit when it comes to Erin. I would say that I have a bit of a meltdown on at least a monthly basis, if not more often. If we hadn’t decided to put Erin into nursery as soon as she turned 2 last January I think you would find me rocking in a corner somewhere crying my eyes out every single day. Being a parent has never come easily or naturally to me but I have found the last 6 months to a year

When Parenting Gets Tough

If anyone ever tells you that parenting is easy then they are lying through their teeth. Some people are lucky to have wonderful pregnancies, stress-free births and take to it quite naturally but that doesn’t mean that they won’t have hard times later down the line. I don’t feel as though I took to motherhood naturally at all. That started with my pregnancy being hard due to a lot of illness followed by a very traumatic birth. I found everything so difficult for the first couple of months thanks to 2 surgeries and missing most

How To Keep Toddlers Cool In Summer

I remember back to when Erin was less than a month old, roughly 6 months old to be exact and we had a massive heat wave during the summer. I was looking at old pictures with Erin the other day and we came across the ones of her sleeping on our bed in the middle of the day in just a vest because it was so hot that year. I think it was much easier to keep Erin cool when she was a baby because she couldn’t answer back, couldn’t run away and would lay

Looking After Tiny Toes With Dotty Fish & Giveaway

Way back when I was 17 I worked for a very well-known shoe shop and I was also the assistant manager of a children’s shoe shop when I lived in Toronto. During these times I measured and fitted so many children with the perfect shoes so I know how important it is to look after children’s feet. Recently, I discovered a brand who feel the same way. Dotty Fish have a gorgeous range of soft soled baby shoes and you can find out more about them, and their benefits below. Be sure to enter the

How To Get Children Interested In Gardening

It looks like spring is finally on its way and the bad weather is nearly behind us. Erin loves being outside and would probably spend most of her time outside if she could get away with it. Last month, before the snow came, I attempted to get some new grass seed down and Erin was so interested in what I was doing. This got me thinking about how to get children interested in gardening. I think it’s really important to let children explore and get dirty and this is something Erin is really good at.

Children And Mess Go Together Like Tea And Cake

When I became a parent I tried to promise myself that I would make more time to keep the house as clean and tidy. Before Erin was born both John and I worked full time and sometimes had to blitz the house in one go just to get it done. What some people seem to forget though is that children are messy… a lot of the time and things get in the way of best made plans. However, someone that does understand this is ACE. ACE have a great motto of ‘Remove the stains, keep the

How To Cope When Your Toddler Stops Napping

I think the time is coming that I have always dreaded. I think the time has come for Erin to stop napping! I have always stuck by the saying ‘sleep when they do’ and I don’t care that Erin is 2 years old now! Being a parent is bloody exhausting and if you can grab 10 minutes, half an hour or 3 hours, do it when you can! So, how do you cope when your toddler stops napping? Erin has always slept a lot from the day she was born. I’m adamant that this is

Saying goodbye to bottles

As I had a pretty rough time after Erin’s birth we had to make the choice to bottle feed her quite early on. It wasn’t something I had wanted to do initially but you do what you have to do and it was really the best choice for Erin in the end. Erin has always loved her bottles and up until recently, would still have a full bottle of milk before naps and bedtime. However, with her turning two recently I decided it was time to say goodbye to bottles. To be completely honest this