Savings Goals For 2021

Last year we achieved more than I thought we would. Not only did we manage to carpet the whole living room/ dining room AND overhaul the back of the garden but we also managed to book an expensive holiday and pay off some debts.

Going forward, and looking into this year, it’s time to start to think about our new savings goals for the year. Lists are always a good way to go, as are vision boards if you really want to see your goals in front of you.

New windows

I think all of the windows in our house need replacing. Some of them we can’t open as they don’t close properly (they’re locked at the minute) so these need to be a priority. We’re hoping to get 1 window replaced in our dining room and maybe the kitchen and bathroom windows as well depending on the prices.

Front and back doors

Just like with the windows, we need our front and back doors replacing. These aren’t quite as much of a priority as the windows so if we can at least start saving towards these then that would be great.

Driving lessons and a car

This year John has got his provisional licence and will be starting to learn to drive, as soon as Covid allows. This has been a really long time coming but it’s also something that’s really expensive, and why neither of us have learned yet.

Our first savings goal is to make sure John has enough money for his lessons. We’re about half way to having enough for an intensive course but John wants to do a couple of months of regular lessons first.

The second savings goal is for a car. I don’t even really know where to start for this one as we don’t really know what they cost. We obviously need to factor in insurance etc. as well.

2023 holiday

Okay, I know this is 2 years away but we have big plans. This year we were supposed to go to Disneyland Paris and stay in the Disneyland Hotel with a great Premium Dining meal plan. Sadly, the hotel is now closed for the next 2 years (expected). We had already planned on moving our 2021 holiday to 2022 but with the hotel not being an option we don’t want to go now.

So, instead we are hoping to get our money back and put it towards Florida for 2023. John and I got married in Florida and that will be our 10th wedding anniversary. It’s a big cost for a holiday but definitely worth it. I can’t wait to be back at Magic Kingdom and being in such a magical place.

Erin’s ISA

Every year Erin gets money for her birthday and Christmas and I always put the majority of it in her ISA because let’s face it, she’s 5 and doesn’t need it right now. This year I want to save an additional £10 a month in her ISA to help it build up a bit more. This isn’t something we’ve been able to afford before now so it will be nice to add to this account.

Do you have savings goals for this year?


Savings Goals For 2021

2 thoughts on “Savings Goals For 2021”

  1. We are planning on decorating my daughters room and bathroom this year, so saving for them. No holiday plans this year but hopefully we can go somewhere in 2023

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