How We’ll Be Spending Christmas Day

Since moving to Norfolk in 2013 I don’t think John and I have ever had 2 Christmases the same. Last year we had my mum, sister and her fiance staying over the whole of Christmas and our house was full, loud and full of love and fun. This year though my sister and her fiance are going back home and seeing Mum there instead. Christmas this year will mean it being just me, John and Erin. As lovely as last year was I am quite looking forward to having a very small family Christmas at

5 Tips For Making Christmas Cooking A Breeze

Ad – We received some items for the purpose of this post. All opinions are our own.  Last year we had a really busy Christmas as we had my mum, sister and her fiance all staying with us. This meant that I was cooking Christmas dinner for 6 people and while I didn’t go too overboard, it was still quite stressful and it took hours to cook. I hated either being stuck in the kitchen or having to go in and out all day as it meant me missing everything else that was going on.

4 Ways To Use Your Air Fryer This Christmas

I have to be completely honest and admit that I have a bit of a thing about getting new kitchen gadgets and hardly ever using them. The space at the top of my kitchen cupboards is overtaken by sandwich toasters, mixers and blenders and there’s not really much room left for anything else. When we first got the air fryer I really didn’t think we would use it that much. I had been a very big lover of my deep fat fryer but I knew we had to make a change and this was it.

Christmas Day With The O’Hallorans

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are now relaxing a little bit to get over the madness! We had a wonderful family Christmas and was lucky enough to have my Mum, sister and BIL staying for a few days. It’s the first one we have all spent together in quite some time and even more special because Erin was so excited this year and really started to understand what was going on. Apart from Erin, we were all up at about 6:30 on Christmas Day and we had about an hour’s wait

Air Fryer Carrots

I am a pretty fussy eater and I don’t actually eat that much veg. However, something I have with every roast or Christmas dinner is carrots.  I love them but I have only ever cooked them in the same way and they can get pretty boring after a while. While I was in an experiencing mood I wondered whether or not you could cook carrots in an air fryer. Here’s out the air fryer carrots turned out! To start with, I cut the carrots into bigger chunks and I quickly realised that they would take

Air Fryer Roast Potatoes

One of the best bits about a roast dinner for me is the roast potatoes. I know some people tend to choose mashed potatoes instead but I’m quite happy cook both normally because I love them both. The problem for me though is that roast potatoes tend to take forever. If I cook them in the oven I par boil them first and then they still take a good 35-40 minutes to cook. We also have quite a small cooker and when you add in meat or sausages etc. and Yorkshire puddings, it doesn’t leave

How We’ll Be Spending Christmas Day

This Christmas is going to be very different from any of the others we have had for a while. Last year it was just me, John and Erin. The year before I was 35 weeks pregnant and only a week away from having Erin. The year before that John and I spent it with his family but we no longer see most of them now. Everyone spends Christmas in their own way so I thought I’d write a bit about how we’ll be spending Christmas Day this year. This year we are hosting Christmas at

Products To Make Christmas Dinner A Breeze

AD | Gifted When it comes to Christmas dinner there always tends to be one person who does the cooking. In our house it’s me that cooks. We have a tiny galley kitchen so there isn’t a lot of room in there and I hate other people getting in my way while I’m cooking. Everyone knows not to offer to help me cook because they know what the answer will be. I know that puts quite a lot on me, especially for Christmas Day but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Luckily, Joseph Joseph