10 ways to put yourself first in 2022

AD | Collaborative post The past couple of years have been hard for most people. Covid has changed all of our lives and still, two years later nothing is back to normal yet. It can be easy to look at caring more for the people around you but it’s so important to think about yourself. So, with that in mind, I wanted to share 10 ways to put yourself first in 2022.

Self-Care Is More Than Just A Bubble Bath

AD | Collaborative post.  It took me a long time to admit it but after Erin was boring I had post natal depression. I didn’t want to admit it for so long but sometimes, things build up and up until you blow and that’s exactly what happened with me. Since then, I am so much more mindful about taking time for myself, looking after me and listening to my body and what it needs. I used to think that self-care was taking a nice soak in the tub or an extra 30 minutes in bed

4 Easy Ways To Look After Your Skin After 30!

AD | Collaborative post  This year I turned 32 and although I knew it deep down, I realised that my skin really isn’t as good as it used to be. As a teenager I used to have pretty perfect skin and spots were a rarity. However, 15 years of smoking (2.5 years smoke-free) and not really looking after myself, my skin has suffered and it’s time to sort it out. So, here are some easy ways to look after your skin! Drink More Water I know this one is really obvious but I am terrible

Much Needed Pamper Time

It’s very rare that I take some time out for myself. During the week Erin is home from Saturday-Tuesday and then the other three days a week she is at nursery. The rest of the time I am either doing things around the house or working. Being self-employed means not having regular working ours and sometimes, having to work every day for long hours. I get so tired sometimes that my eyes hurt so much and I find it hard to keep them open and to concentrate on anything! Recently I was sent a Thera-Pearl Eye